Rethinking Circumcision

The Truth About Circumcision: Ending Male Genital Mutilation

Dear Brothers,

If you’ve found your way to this page, it may be time to explore the topic of circumcision and its origins. If you grew up in the U.S. or come from a Jewish or Muslim culture, you may have undergone the procedure without fully understanding its implications. Our bodies are incredibly sophisticated, and we are born whole.

The purpose of this message is to help you and your loved ones become more informed, so that we can stop ritual abuse. It is not okay to harm children (boys or girls). No consent is given! It still blows my mind that this is legal and considered a personal choice. I share this in the spirit of love and respect, particularly for our newborn sons, that they may be protected and remain intact. I encourage you to approach this content with an open mind and the courage to sit with any discomfort. It is intense material! Together, we have the power to shift culture.

I circumcised my son 31 years ago because I simply didn’t know any better at the time. While I cannot change that decision, I am committed to raising awareness and working toward an end to the harm inflicted on our children and our men. I highly recommend watching the videos below—it may profoundly change the way you think. Rage and grief are natural response!

With love,

Rethinking Vasectomies

Neutering men causes spiritual and psychological harm, impacting your relationship to your creative power and your relationship to life! Nothing about that is safe or natural!

Free Birthing ~ Rethinking Hospital Births

It may be time to evolve beyond the medical system, supporting your women to birth in protection and power at home. Always support her choice as this is her domain.

Rethinking Traditional Schooling

There are so many options to support our children's needs. Think outside the box! Move away from what was right for you, to explore what is a good fit for your child.

Family Health & Well Being

It is time for us all to become more aware of the impact of IVF, Surgeries, Vaccines etc.

Do your research!

Preserving the Sacred & Aligning With Nature

These are important topics for our times

Book Suggestions!