Men's Classes

Understanding Your Woman = Better Relating

~Let's talk life force within the human form

~Sacred anatomy and the auric field

~What happens energetically when we come together

~Understanding enmeshment and DNA alteration

~Woman as a receptacle and man as a penetrator :)

~Understanding The Holy Womb

~The energetic implications on your life

~Understand how you leak life force energy

~Kama energy and karma

~Challenges with casual sex

Date Feb 16th, 2025 ~ 10:00 NY ~ 4:00 France

70 Min Zoom Class

The Energetics of Sex

~Understanding female anatomy and neural wiring

~The art of presence - Slow it down

~Learning to listen to her body and yours

~Is she enjoying you or is she trying to please you?

~Do you know what she wants from you?

~Can you really feel her?

~Primal body language and verbal communication

~Learning to read the room

Date: March 15th, 2025 10:00 NY ~ 4:00 France
90 Min Zoom Class

~Learn more about the natural cycles impacting the women you love, and how they are impacting you.

~Understanding menses, pregnancy and menopause

~hormonal shifts = mood changes and libido shifts

~Physiological changes (Lubrication and flow)

~Is it healthy to have sex while she is bleeding?

~Knowing where she is in her cycles can help you :)

~How to stay rooted as a support while she moves through enormous changes

~How to honor yourself and not take abuse.

~Self regulating techniques for you both

Date: April 5th, 2025
90 Min Zoom Class
The Impact of Women's Cycles on You
Self Pleasure and Healing

~ Your body is sacred

~The talk our parents never gave us about sex

~Let's get conscious about self pleasure & the benefits

~Let's look at some patterns pre/post touch :)

~Are you touching yourself with respect and care?

~What do you really desire?

~Energized or depleted post session?

~Getting present with your emotions

~Stop giving yourself away

~Exploring some possible new ways to heal your relationship to sex, body image etc.

Date: April
90 Minute Zoom Class

~Bringing the primal sacredness back to sex

~Sexual and emotional desire (neural networking)

~The power of a woman's womb

~Choosing a partner using discrimination

~Heart centered intimacy = real deep pleasure.

~Are you present or masturbating inside your woman?

~The differences between men and women

~Acknowledging porn culture and its influence

~ Are you fantasizing or in the moment with her?

~Get clear about what you want to experience...

~Become sensitive to trauma in the bedroom

Date March 1st, 2025 ~ 10:00 NY ~ 4:00 Poland

90 Min Zoom Class

Sacred Sexuality
Coming Soon